I need to install a couple of packages on a device that does not have internet access.

The idea was to download packages, transfer them to the device and then install using apk add --allow-untrusted <name>. Perhaps it was too logical because I cannot figure out how to download these apks from sites such as pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages. I can see what's in the package, but that's about it. Does anyone know why?

Also, if anyone knows a place I can download them from, please, tell me... Thanks!


2 Answers 2


For example for curl, try

apk update
apk fetch curl
apk add ./curl-7.61.1-r1.apk

Here is a mirror list of servers, where you can download from:

Packages can be downloaded from e.g.:

  • Thanks! I can also browse the version in dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine, this helps me, yesterday update cause libssl broken, and broke apk tools, I can't even install anything. I need to download the dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.17/main/x86_64/…, extract using 7zip (I'm in WSL2), copy paste the file to the /lib/libssl.so.3, and retry... and it works... The maintainer doesn't even give a news if the package failed :/ Commented Jun 11, 2023 at 14:03

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