In my system I have a boot drive (xfs) and a RAID (ext4). The RAID is /dev/sda so I have added that in fstab to auto-mount at startup.

/dev/sda        /mnt/RAID       ext4    defaults    0 0

Today I destroyed the RAID and turned it into a JBOD, which means sda1 is now a single disk without no filesystem. This caused the system to boot into emergency mode with an error that it can't find an ext4 filesystem on sda. Eventually I fixed it by removing the line from fstab, removing the mount unit from /run/systemd/generator, and running systemctl daemon-reload.

My question: Is there an easier way? For a system that may have drives removed frequently, this is too difficult.

1 Answer 1


This is standard behavior for fstab entries. To quietly skip an entry when the device is not present, mark it with the nofail fstab option.

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