I'm new to excel and making a sheet that runs a nutritional analysis of a diet. Many of the foods analyzed contribute very little to the total value for a given nutrient, but the user needs to see where the total comes from.The raw values for individual foods are creating too much clutter, so I need to clean them up;


-display any number >1 to 2 dp

-display any number <1 to 2 places after the leading zero (e.g. 0.003948=0.0039)

-preferably not display decimal places after any whole numbers (i.e. 100=100 NOT 100.00)

Additional Info:

The values <1 range from 0.# to 0.00#

Thanks in advance for any help :)

1 Answer 1


If I understand what you want correctly, you can do this with a helper column containing a formula, and a custom format on that column.

The formula is there so that values less than 1 will be rounded to two significant digits.



And you can replace SigDigits with a 2

The number format:


In the above method, trailing zeros will not be displayed for numbers less than 1. In order to do that, you will need a VBA solution.

enter image description here

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