I sometimes use Process Monitor for debugging software, and also play games online. Some of these games use BattlEye anti-cheat software, which refuses to allow the game to run after Process Monitor has been started on the system, showing this in the log:

08:06:46: Starting BattlEye Service...

08:06:49: Launching game...
08:07:07: Disallowed driver: "\??\C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\PROCMON23.SYS". Please unload it or reboot your system.

The driver remains loaded after closing Process Monitor, and there doesn't appear to be an option to have it unload.

Several other questions have answers about unloading drivers using net stop or sc stop, but the ProcMon driver isn't a service, so this doesn't work. I've also tried looking in Device Manager and enabling 'Show hidden devices', but none of the entries appear related to ProcMon. I can't delete the driver file, as it's not actually present on the filesystem; ProcMon stores the file in its executable and extracts it as needed.

My question is not a duplicate of this question, which is about a similar issue where the driver persists after a reboot. My question is about unloading the driver without rebooting.

  • Link "this question" is broken
    – Cubi73
    Commented Aug 28, 2020 at 8:57
  • It seems to be impossible. So I restart and use admin cmd to delete it.
    – rint
    Commented Mar 20 at 5:04
  • del /ah C:\Windows\System32\drivers\PROCMON24.SYS
    – rint
    Commented Mar 20 at 5:04

4 Answers 4


Standard drivers are services and you can indeed control them via net and sc. (For example, take a look at sc query beep – stopping the 'beep' driver is a common way to shut up the internal PC speaker.)

In earlier Process Monitor versions (probably pre-2.3, when it still had Windows XP support), it would install a "legacy" device driver that was visible via sc, Device Manager, etc.

Current versions of Process Monitor appear to remove the driver/service configuration from registry immediately after starting the driver. You can see this by monitoring ProcMon with itself. It is possible to manually re-add the service, with type 2 (kernel FS driver) and it will immediately show up as already running.

However, the service will also report "NOT_STOPPABLE" and will refuse any stop attempts.

Additionally, PROCMON23 now registers itself as a filesystem minifilter driver through the Filter Manager (FltDrv). You can see it in the output of fltmc, but attempting to externally unload it also fails (possibly because the driver doesn't have the unload routine):


Filter Name                     Num Instances    Altitude    Frame
------------------------------  -------------  ------------  -----
PROCMON23                               0       385200         0
WdFilter                                4       328010         0
storqosflt                              0       244000         0
wcifs                                   1       189900         0

C:\WINDOWS\system32>fltmc unload PROCMON23

Unload failed with error: 0x801f0010
Do not detach the filter from the volume at this time.

Since the "official" CLI tool is unable to remove the filter from FltMgr, and FltMgr itself is a 'critical' driver that cannot be restarted without reboot, it would seem that there's no way to unload PROCMON23 or PROCMON24.

But the most interesting part: After doing the above checks with procmon 3.40, I found that the latest version on the website is 3.50 (which uses a newer PROCMON24 driver). Upon starting the new version, I was informed that an older version of the driver was already on the system and that I should reboot.

So if ProcMon itself cannot unload its own driver without requiring a reboot, I think you can safely assume that you won't be able to unload it either.

  • 2
    Given how much fruitless searching I've already done on this, this is looking more and more like the answer. However, I'm going to wait a while before accepting this, just in case someone knows of a way and happens to see this with no accepted answers and takes a look.
    – James
    Commented Aug 4, 2018 at 16:54
  • Is it possible to configure Windows to not load the driver when rebooting the system?
    – Cubi73
    Commented Aug 28, 2020 at 9:08
  • Just don't start procmon to begin with, and you are done? Check boot logging is disabled if for some reason that still isn't the case. Anyhow, back in topic - it seems at least for procexp somebody had some way to unload its driver. Too bad the thing has been lost to time.
    – mirh
    Commented Oct 28, 2021 at 22:15

In addition to an excellent answer by user1686 which concludes that there is no way to unload it, I'd like to add that normal reboot on Windows 10 does not help either, because Windows 10 nowadays persists some memory and reloads it upon boot up, so the driver ends up in memory even after reboot.

To avoid that, reboot with this command run as admin:

shutdown /r /f /t 0

which will perform proper reboot. Check by running fltmc as admin, that the driver is no longer there.

  • 1
    Thanks for adding this tip. I was surprised to see PROCMON24 persisting even after a full shutdown & power off (upon next boot). Not until I ran your suggested shutdown /r /f /t 0 did it not load upon next boot. Commented Oct 5, 2022 at 0:06

The problematic PROCMON23.SYS filter driver is installed by ProcMon when it is run. If the file C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\PROCMON23.SYS does not exist at the time, then ProcMon will write it. The PROCMON23.SYS file itself is included as a binary resource inside the executable of ProcMon.

You can list all running filter drivers by :

fltmc filters

and on my computer this gives :


As you can see, my version of Process Monitor is newer than yours (24 instead of 23).

Usually a filter driver can be uninstalled by a command such as :

Fltmc unload PROCMON24

However, in this case this gives in an elevated Command Prompt :


Unload error 0x801f0010 is the typical error for a mini-filter driver that has no unload routine.

Conclusion : PROCMON23.SYS and the later PROCMON24.SYS are badly programmed. The developer has not foreseen that anybody would ever wish to unload his driver and has not included the necessary routine in it. Therefore this driver cannot be unloaded.

The bad news for you is that a reboot is required to dispose of it, nothing else will do the job. Your only recourse is to complain to the developer.

  • Like closing ProcMon normally, this doesn't work. The driver is still loaded according to Battleye and NirSoft's DriverView.
    – James
    Commented Aug 4, 2018 at 14:30
  • This closes both Procmon.exe and Procmon64.exe. It seems like you have enabled Boot logging, so undo that and reboot.
    – harrymc
    Commented Aug 4, 2018 at 15:00
  • No, boot logging is not enabled. I double checked in a VM; downloading and running Process Monitor on a new system and closing it, either normally or with the /terminate flag, results in the driver not unloading.
    – James
    Commented Aug 4, 2018 at 15:07
  • Try this : Boot in Safe mode, uninstall Process Monitor, rename \C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\PROCMON23.SYS if still there then reboot. Does that get rid of it?
    – harrymc
    Commented Aug 4, 2018 at 15:42
  • It also seems you are not using the latest version.
    – harrymc
    Commented Aug 4, 2018 at 15:50

It would appear it hooks into the kernel, which you kind of need (the kernel) to keep from rebooting for other reasons (crashed PC).

Dependency Walker

This would explain why you have to reboot... it is the only way it will unhook from the kernel.


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