I'm trying to test System Center Configuration Manager to update one of my Windows 10 devices (because our clients are using this method), and I'm trying to deploy this on a Windows Server 2012 R2 to push these updates to the Windows 10 device. At the moment, I'm running this server on a Hyper-V virtual machine (I don't have any server hardware that I can use to deploy it).

I'm following this tutorial, and in one of the steps, I need to use the ADSI Edit tool. When I'm in the Connection Settings window and press OK, I get the following error: Operation failed. Error code: 0x8007054b The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted. enter image description here

I have found something on the Internet telling me I have to change a value in the registry keys (HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters\SysvolReady) from 0 to 1, but this key doesn't exist, and adding it doesn't do anything either.

I also found that it could have something to do with it not finding any DNS servers. With DHCP activated and with a static IP configuration (I used the DNS server of my office), it didn't work either. It can however connect to a website (I tried surfing to google.com and it worked).

  • 1
    Does your environment have a AD controller? Do you have any reason to not follow the official documentation?
    – Seth
    Commented Jun 11, 2018 at 8:09
  • No, it didn't have an AD controller. And the reason I'm not using the official documentation (as far as there is one) is that Microsoft documentation always skips 5 steps in their explanation. I don't know anything about Windows server, so I needed a clearer tutorial. I currently have installed the feature and I'm working out how to configure it (again, I don't know anything about Windows server).
    – marijnr
    Commented Jun 11, 2018 at 8:22

1 Answer 1


Thanks to Seth I figured out the problem. I didn't have a AD controller deployed on my server.

  • Cool, can you add the steps you took to rectify the situation? I'll certainly up vote your answer if you do. Commented Jun 11, 2018 at 13:55

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