In Excel I have a number of columns containing characters of different types such as:


I want to convert these to 8 characters using the following rules:

  • keep only the last three segments
  • remove the U and add prefix 0 where appropriate
  • remove S and add prefix 0 where appropriate
  • remove P and add prefix 0 where appropriate

For example:

  • WS-S5-S-L1-C31-F-U5-S9-P14 convert to 05-09-14
  • WS-S5-S-L1-C31-F-U5-S8-P1 convert to 05-08-01
  • WS-S5-N-L1-C29-V-U16-S6-P6 convert to 16-06-06

I believe there is a way to use IF, FIND & MID function to convert these in Excel but don't know how to start. Any help will be much appreciated.


Just finally, I wanted to convert this into 13 characters if possible for example:

  • WS-S5-S-L1-C31-F-U5-S9-P14 convert to S1-F-05-09-14
  • WS-S5-N-L2-C31-D-U5-S8-P1 convert to N2-D-05-08-01
  • WS-S5-N-L1-C29-V-U16-S6-P6 conver to N1-V-16-06-06
  • Are the strings always off the same length? Commented May 23, 2018 at 5:46
  • 1
    @Kevin: no, see "U5" vs "U16" Commented May 23, 2018 at 6:22
  • Strings are of different length and I've used the following formula which returns "05" from WS-S5-S-L1-C31-F-U5-S9-P14. But how do I return "05-09-14"? =IF(MID(E13,FIND("-U",E13)+3,1)="-","0"&MID(E13,FIND("-U",E13)+2,1),MID(E13,FIND("-U",E13)+2,2))
    – Indy
    Commented May 23, 2018 at 7:03

2 Answers 2


As @ygaft pointed out, it's possible, but going to be long with standard Excel functions.

I use free RegEx Find/Replace add-in in situation like that, using a regular expression you can achieve it easier.

The formula:

How it works:

  • inner function:
    • A1: from content of A1 cell
    • ".*U([0-9]+)-S([0-9]+)-P([0-9]+)" look for a pattern "...U#-S#-P#" where "#" represents one or more numbers and remembers the numbers (brackets create reference groups)
    • "0$1-0$2-0$3" merges the numbers found in previous step, adding leading 0 to all of them.
  • outer function:
    • RegExReplace(...) - works with results of inner function
    • "0([0-9]{2})" - looks for 0 followed by two digits (= cases where leading 0 is not necessary)
    • "$1" - keeps only the two digits, dropping leading 0 (only in cases which were matched in previous step)

enter image description here

You can also see more explanation on the regular expressions online:

Note: I'm not affiliated in any way with that add-in, just use it as it makes my life easier.


You can use this formula for your 13 character code:

  • That's a great add-in to use. Worked perfectly. Just finally, I wanted to convert this into 13 characters if possible for example: * WS-S5-S-L1-C31-F-U5-S9-P14 convert to S1-F-05-09-14 * WS-S5-N-L2-C31-D-U5-S8-P1 convert to N2-D-05-08-01 * WS-S5-N-L1-C29-V-U16-S6-P6 convert to N1-V-16-06-06
    – Indy
    Commented May 24, 2018 at 11:32
  • how do you mean 13 characters? Please update your question and I'll update my answer Commented May 24, 2018 at 11:33
  • Basically converting: • WS-S5-S-L1-C31-F-U5-S9-P14 to S1-F-05-09-14 • WS-S5-N-L2-C31-D-U5-S8-P1 to N2-D-05-08-01 • WS-S5-N-L1-C29-V-U16-S6-P6 to N1-V-16-06-06 So using the 7th, 10th, 15,16 and 17th character
    – Indy
    Commented May 24, 2018 at 11:48

Pretty ugly,
but you can achieve it by the following, it assumes that your working data is in column A:

  • great technique used but code runs a bit lengthy.
    – Indy
    Commented May 24, 2018 at 11:19
  • to make it shorter, you can add helper column with that function: '=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("U",A1,1)' and then refer to that column instead all that piece of code
    – ygaft
    Commented May 24, 2018 at 11:32

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