Previously, I was able to ssh into my raspberry pi via direct Ethernet connection and WiFi sharing.

I achieved this by accessing raspberrypi.mshome.net. However, this now does not work and PUTTY now displays connection refused. Are there any fixes to this? I using windows 10 on a laptop.


1 Answer 1


is sshd running on the raspberry pi process list? It suggests that it does not have one up and running or the machine is not reachable.

does ping work? if not try adding a dot at end of machine name.

if you have telnet you can verify the port is running and accessible from windows with ..

[pete.win10] ➤ telnet raspberryip 22
Connected to ras.
Escape character is '^]'.
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4p1 Raspbian-10+deb9u1

if you cant find telnet try download MobaXTerm. its fantastic :-)

if it stopped running after reboot its possible its only running but not enabled. in this case try

systemctl enable ssh

then reboot to make sure it stays active

  • Yep, I've checked that ssh is enabled on my pi, but still no joy.
    – torvim
    Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 19:54
  • ok and how about the telnet test does it work or not?. You should also check if the firewall is allowing port 22 to connect on the raspberry pi side. go to Raspberry Pi Configuration app and check interfaces tab for SSH enabled Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 20:33

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