I am trying to configure the uTorrent webUI for access outside my home wifi network.

I am able to access it on the local machine using localhost:7070/gui, but cannot access it externally using my dynamic dns (e.g. me.dynu.com:7070/gui).

I am able to access other services absolutely fine through this method on other ports, and have double checked the below steps:

  • uTorrent has been allowed through the local firewall.
  • I have forwarded the port to the correct local ip on my router.
  • I have changed the port in the uTorrent webUI preferences, updated the forwarded port on my router and tried again (with a number of different ports).
  • Uninstalled uTorrent, removed all relevant firewall exceptions and port forwarding rules, restarted the server, reinstalled uTorrent, and reinstated the firewall exception and port forwarding rules.

All to no avail. As I mentioned, I use a number of other similar services, and am able to access them fine both internally and externally.

  • 1
    While uTorrent is running, check with canyouseeme.org against the port you are using to see if it visible. Commented Apr 5, 2018 at 0:44
  • Just checked it, and it can't see the port. It can see all my other forwarded ports just fine, and I can't see any difference in their configuration. Commented Apr 7, 2018 at 16:28
  • It has however now arbitrarily started to work again after the best part of a week despite me making no changes whatsoever. Very odd. Commented Apr 7, 2018 at 22:44


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