I initially had both Windows 10 Home and Ubuntu installed as operating systems on my PC. When I have opened the PC, it displayed me a purple display where it was to choose between Ubuntu and Windows. After, I update the Windows to Windows 10 Pro. Also, I entered on BIOS, but I haven't done anything. Maybe the update changed something? Now, I cannot acces Ubuntu! Is like I don't have it, it isn't any choice option for me to choose between them two and the PC starts with Windows. However, when I enter on BIOS it shows me that I have both Ubuntu and Windows, but Windows is the first. I tried to change the ordered, but it is not possible. After long searches on the Internet, I found out that it may be possible to repair this by switching between the UEFIs, but I only found one UEFI... Also, I disabled the secure boot. Does anyone know how to manage this problem and how to get back at having both Ubuntu and Windows choices?

1 Answer 1


The purple screen you are referring to is GRUB. Windows will overwrite GRUB whenever you upgrade, as you are experiencing.

'How do i prevent windows upgrades from overwriting grub in a dual boot scenario; how do i restore grub after windows upgrade' is what i think you're trying to answer

Try looking at both of these questions and answers here from askubuntu

and here from stackexchange

There should be enough information to get back to the desired behavior


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