I did last Tuesday Update on my Windows 10, after that my Firefox, which is not changed, starts ok but always in background process, so I can't access its GUI.

I have last stable version of Firefox and I did every apdate on Windows 10.

My Firefox is called by simple short with no arguments in its command line.

No other visible bad side effect is observeable.

I tried restart Windows and FF (in Task Manager) many times. I have no recent restore point to help. I reinstalled FF. I tried change resolution, start with compatibilitily mode in several combinations. No virus.

Renaming FF's default profile I got FF as a foreground process and it display an error about missing profile. I still trying to save this FF instalation and profile.

I am looking for some help before reinstall Windows.

  • I think you'd better check if there is a virus or malware infection
    – spike_66
    Commented Mar 12, 2018 at 4:46
  • @spike_66 updated
    – Maniero
    Commented Mar 12, 2018 at 9:50


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