A friend has handheld devices (Kindles) that we want to transfer a large bundle of files to (videos for a youth project). The devices have SD card readers and so we want to write SD cards with a disk image, or by another fast and efficient method.

Is it possible to, for example, get a USB adaptor with multiple ports, put each SD card in a USB converter, then simply write - eg with dd under Ubuntu - to say 8 SD cards at once.

We've also considered the possibility of having a computer, perhaps an RPi, such that when an SD card is inserted it gets written and umount-ed and ejected with no other manual intervention. Would this be easier/more efficient?

Is there a more efficient method we're missing? There is no wifi available, Bluetooth may be an option but I anticipate it being much slower. MS Windows or Linux (pref Ubuntu) options are useful to us. Thanks.

1 Answer 1


The device you are looking for is called "SD card duplicator". Prices range form $100 to above $1000. Your choice.

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