TL;DR This question is about auto mounting partitions with file systems non native to macOS.

I'm presently running macOS 10.12.x and I can successfully mount an external SATA disk formatted with an ext4 file system to my MBP thanks to this 👉 dude. I'm able to read / write to the disk without any issues.

However, I'd like to automount the drive / partition / filesystem using the utilities provided by macOS. I've seen numerous articles of people auto mounting network shares such as SMB NIS etc.

I am aware this can be done on a GNU/Linux box using tools such as usbmount and udev. I've heard there is a paid program $40 USD that might do what I am looking for.

However, it would be ideal to get this external USB drive auto mounted using the native tools provided by macOS or using some FREE tools that could be provided by homebrew.

From my understanding macOS relies on


to auto mount the resources using the automountd launch daemon.

I added the below entry to the above stated file,

/- auto_resources -nobrowse,nosuid

Then created an auto_resources file with the below contents

/../mnt/external-samsung-1tb -fstype=fuse-ext2 /dev/disk2s2

And finally I run sudo -E automount -cv to remount all the auto mounted filesystems on macOS, and I see the below output,

automount: /net updated
automount: /mnt/external-samsung-1tb updated
automount: no unmounts

However when I do ls -lah /mnt/external-samsung-1tb

I don't see the files listed. And yes there are files on the system as I verified by manually mounting the drive.



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