Lets say we have a 3 x 3 tv monitors (all 1080p) setup with each having their own mini computer. Is there a way to do stream 1 video file such that that 1080p movie is scaled and streamed across all 9 monitors as one image?

  • I would do the following: Stream the media from a separated PC. With each minipc, I would connect to the streaming PC, get the whole image, then crop the screen according its wall position. The sync is the good question here.
    – uDev
    Commented Feb 27, 2018 at 1:17

1 Answer 1


I doubt you'll ever get the sync issues addressed with your solution. I would suggest a proper hardware solution (connecting multiple monitors to a single PC instead).

Check out the Matrox c900 They aren't exactly cheap, but probably cheaper than nine individual PCs, not to mention the power consumption...

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