I have to change the


setting in azure what require a restart or reload config. Unfortunately I can not restart the postgresql database because Azure doesn't support it.

I try to run

 SELECT pg_reload_conf();

command but I get the following error

ERROR:  must be superuser to signal the postmaster

But Im using the database admin user what I set.

What can I do??

  • Yes. "Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers" service. I created a database inside of that.
    – GergA
    Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 9:23
  • Here is what showing in the log file. 2018-01-24 09:56:40 UTC-5a61f378.101c-LOG: parameter "max_prepared_transactions" cannot be changed without restarting the server 2018-01-24 09:56:40 UTC-5a61f378.101c-LOG: configuration file "/pgdata/postgresql.auto.conf" contains errors; unaffected changes were applied
    – GergA
    Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 10:00
  • Do you change parameter via Azure portal? I change it via Azure portal, it works for me.
    – Jason Ye
    Commented Jan 26, 2018 at 6:19
  • Azure now lets you restart the database. It's a button at the top of the overview page of the service. Commented Jan 15, 2019 at 3:32

2 Answers 2


If you change he parameter it will be not accept on the database. The GUI will show the new value but the database wont running on that.The only one solution what I found is to scale the database to other amount of Compute Unit and after back. This operation trigger a config reload under the hood in Azure

  • Confirmed, I have the same. There is something that creeps up the memory slowly, but incrementally. I have no access to the instance, so I need to restart the service (which is not possible in Azure). So, I've setup an Azure Alert that informs me every time the memory exceeds >80%, which happens roughly every month, then I scale up the instance - and a couple of hours later I scale it down. #poor-mans-solution
    – Moriarty
    Commented Jul 4, 2018 at 13:20

You can't restart that service, that service managed by Azure.

I had update that parameter max_prepared_transactions via Azure portal, it works for me:

enter image description here

Please try to update it via Azure portal, hope this helps.

More information about configure server parameters, please refer to this article.

  • Hello. If you change he parameter it will be not accept on the database. The GUI will show the new value but the database wont running on that.The only one solution what I found is to scale the database to other amount of Compute Unit and after back. This operation trigger a config reload under the hood in Azure.
    – GergA
    Commented Jan 26, 2018 at 9:28

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