Problem: I have two virtual networks on my VM and changing the IP on one using Network dialog also updates the other IP.


I set the IP of VMnet1 (host only) to IP

I set up the second network as VMnet18(bridged) and then set the IP to

When I do that, the IP of VMnet1 changes to! Clearly, that's not supposed to happen.

changing either IP using Network dialog updates the other IP also.

What is going on here? I have a different VM on same PC where I set up the same two networks and the IP addresses do not clobber each other. I have searched here, VMware documents and Google but have not seen this problem addressed.

PC is Windows 7, the VMs are Red Hat 7.2 Maipo and using VMware. ETA: VMware Workstation 12 Pro 12.5.7 build-5813279

I appreciate any insight you can share. Thank you!

ETA: the Ethernet addresses are different.

  • VMWare version?
    – Alfabravo
    Commented Jan 22, 2018 at 19:27
  • 1
    VMware Workstation 12 Pro 12.5.7 build-5813279
    – renraw17
    Commented Jan 22, 2018 at 19:32


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