I have an docker image let's say product-test:latest. Which is running in all my environments without any hurdle.But when I am pushing it to amazon-ecr and pulling it to my amazon ec2 instances and try to start the container with product-test. It's throws error like missing zip files of my product binaries in /tmp/product-*.zip. when I try to compare history(docker history product-test:latest) of both the images means ec2 and my local dev server. I get to know that there are lots of layers missing.

Here is snippet of my Dockerfile through which I am creating this image.

MAINTAINER [email protected]

ARG binaries

COPY $binaries/.m2  /root/
ADD $binaries/product-*.zip /tmp/

I have also tried with docker save -o product-test_latest.tar product-test:latest and on Amazon ec2 and load that image with docker load --input /home/centos/product-test_latest.tar but still facing the same issues. There are few things in my docker images are not coming to my amazon instance.It's really strange issue I am facing.

Amazon EC2 : docker --version: 1.12.6, build ec8512b/1.12.6

OS :CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

My local Dev server : docker --version: 1.13.1-cs2, build ad32da7

OS :Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo)

What should be the possible issue where I should check? It will be really appreciated. Thanks

1 Answer 1


Using docker save and docker load commands to manage Docker images is not a recommended way. If you’re keen on security and don’t want to push your images to Docker Hub, then consider creating a private Docker repository or push images to ECR. The created TAR file flattened and missed some meta-data.

Best practice will be:

  • Create a Private Docker registry or use ECR

  • Build a Docker image with your static files and any custom binaries

  • Push the Docker image to your private registry or ECR

  • On EC2, pull the image from Private Docker registry or ECR.

In this way you avoid Docker filesystem layer issues encountered when using docker save and docker load commands.

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