My SUBTOTAL row shows Person A needs £115, Person D £234 and Person G £789, but how do I SUM those totals and get it to show the total on the same ROW?

  • The Rows are subscription names.
  • The Value field holds the Cost per subscription.
  • the Columns holds the name of the person who receives the subscription.
  • I have GROUPED on YEAR & MONTH, and have a SUBTOTAL that shows me how much each person will need to pay each month for all their subscriptions, but I need a figure showing me the total of all the subscriptions per month.

    I've tried adding calculated fields, but I want to SUM the subtotals so I'm struggling to see the field I need to use. I've tried Grand Totals but that SUMS all rows and I really only want SUM the Subtotal Total Row.

    I need a nice neat report that my managers won't go white at when looking at it...to many numbers = fear and confusion.

    Anyway it got messy, so I've come for help.

    UPDATE: I've found a way. It's not perfect but it'll do: use GRAND TOTALS for ROWS, and then format the totals you do not want to see in white

    Like I said, it's not perfect but it'll do. How do I close this post?




    1 Answer 1


    I've found a way. It's not perfect but it'll do: use GRAND TOTALS for ROWS, and then format the totals you do not want to see in white

    Like I said, it's not perfect but it'll do. How do I close this post?

    • You don't need to close this post. If this answer is OK for you, just accept it as your own answer. Commented Apr 7, 2010 at 15:16

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