The built-in microphone was working fine. Then it stopped working, I check it using Voice Recorder app enter image description here There is no built-in mic in the recording devices list (just Bluetooth one): enter image description here I brought the netbook back to the seller. Then he restored windows to a default state (probably reinstalled) and microphone started to work again. Then in few days, it stopped working again.

I tried to use record voice using Jabra Bluetooth device. The windows allow recording with it. But when I listen what I have recorded I just hear the awful noisy hiss.

Back to the built-in microphone: I tried to install drivers from the official site enter image description here

Not sure in what folder exactly the microphone driver lives, I installed every single inf file from all the subdirectories like that: enter image description here Some installations showed success: enter image description here

Some of them required reloading windows: enter image description here And a couple drivers just ignored my installation. No response at all. Installing drivers one after another, I checked recording devices from time to time. And suddenly I see I have the microphone: enter image description here I check the recording, it works fine, I hear my voice. I thought that's it. But then I decided to reload the windows to check if the microphone gonna stand it. And unfortunately, I saw it was disappeared. I thought the driver somehow was dropped after restarting the windows. I tried to find the correct driver by installing all the drivers again. And checked recording devices after each driver installation. But haven't managed to see the microphone on the list.

So my question is how to fix the problem with the built -in microphone. Or at least please help me to determine what the correct driver for the microphone from that directory with all the drivers. How to do it?

By the way here is device manager: enter image description here

I appreciate any comment that will help me to find the solution. Cheers!


I noticed the the microphone starts to work after reinstalling the drivers in directories: intcdaud.inf_amd64_12e2eb5912c0f66f and isstrtc.inf_amd64_185aeb11ade87280.

Preventing windows to update the drivers by hardware IDS didn't work for me. Thank you @harrymc anyway. For some reason, it was not blocking "bad" drivers. It was blocking "good" drivers to be installed after windows dropped microphone again.

So I disable policy settings and reinstalled that 2 drivers again. The microphone works now. But it will probably be dropped again after windows reload (Not every windows reload drops the microphone, weird...). Then I will install that 2 drivers manually again. (But sometimes it doesn't work, I created windows restore point for this case in state when the mic worked) For now, I haven't found the way how to keep the driver and 100% survive after windows reload.


1 Answer 1


The problem is probably that Windows keeps on updating your microphone driver, to the wrong version.

I would suggest to reset Windows to a working state, where the microphone works, then block driver updates to that device so it will keep on working correctly.

For the procedure to follow, see this answer of mine (do not follow the accepted answer on that post, since it is only a temporary solution).

I would also suggest to backup the working microphone driver in so that it could be reinstalled later on at need. For a list of tools and their discussion, see the article Best Free Windows Driver Backup and Restore. After backup, test the restore to ensure that it works correctly.

  • Thank you so much, almost done, I stuck a little bit on Device Installation in gpedit.msc Commented Dec 28, 2017 at 9:20
  • I added in my answer a section for Windows Home. I also answered your other post with similar information.
    – harrymc
    Commented Dec 28, 2017 at 9:52
  • Preventing windows to update the drivers by hardware IDS didn't work for me, added update to the question, thank you anyway Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 10:58
  • Some products do not survive a major Windows update and have to be reinstalled each time. If you have found the right drivers and so do not need to reset Windows, then you are all right. The driver update blocking should have worked - maybe since Windows wrongly identifies the device, you should also add the new Hardware IDs with the wrong driver - something to try on the next major Windows update.
    – harrymc
    Commented Dec 30, 2017 at 15:05
  • although I haven't managed to solve my driver issue using this answer, it was nice to get acquainted with such option, releasing bounty... Commented Jan 2, 2018 at 12:50

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