Usually my system performs fine. However, periodically, there are temporary performance drops. Basically the Task Manager shows 100% HDD usage and the culprits invariably turn out to be system related processes like:

  • MsMpEng.exe Antimalware Service Executable
  • AppXSvc AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)
  • svchost.exe Service Host: Superfetch
  • ntoskrnl.exe System
  • CompatTelRunner.exe Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry
  • And others.

I don't what is Windows doing - scanning my computer for threats with Windows Defender, downloading and installing updates, defragging HDD - but whatever it is I hope its not going kill my HDD anytime soon and can Windows please do all of this while I'm afk and certainly not when I play League of Legends!

I can't help but notice Linux Mint doesn't experience these periodical performance drops. This persists for a few years already, I'm frankly fed up with this.

Can anything be done to alleviate this issue?


2 Answers 2


In all of my experience, majority of the time SuperFetch is the culprit for hard drive slow downs.

Here is a guide on how to disable SuperFetch.

You shouldnt have any issues come up after disabling it.

  • 1
    You should quote and cite the relevant information from your link. See the associated meta.su question and help center for reasons why a link-only answer isn't helpful to the community.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 17:28

Here is a brief overview of Superfetch and how it can impact performance if you're using an HDD instead of an SSD:


There is also a section showing how to disable it as a service if it's causing trouble. I don't know if this is the source of your issue, but I hope it helps, nonetheless.

Usually, when I've had slowness issues, it's a combination of Superfetch continuing to run at the same time an A/V was trying to access the disk (Sophos, Avast, ESET, all of these). When they would start running together, you'd see 100% Disk usage, between 20 - 30% CPU and over 50% Memory usage

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