It used to always be dark for me, now after updating my machine (yesterday) it has been white (light), and it's really annoying:

enter image description here

I realized that if I make it Dark Mode then it looks normal, however I don't like dark mode for everything else.

enter image description here

The search box used to always be dark (Even though I've always been in light mode)

I've also found this page on Microsoft, however, I couldn't find much other than Dark mode.


I tried messing with the registry and this is what I got:

enter image description here

Note how it's also not aligned properly... either way it switched back after a restart. Guess I'm gonna have to wait for Microsoft to fix this, arghh

1 Answer 1


With the current theme support on Windows 10 (Fall Creators Update, build 1709) the only option is to use the Dark Mode.

Microsoft is reportedly building the systems to handle a robust theme engine which should appear in the next major update to Windows 10.

But right now, fall of 2017, this is not possible.

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