My VB disk size is 50GB. I'm running Win7 on it. The host is a Mac. I'd like to increase the size to 75GB. I run this command:

VBoxManage modifyhd --resize 75000 "/Users/me/VirtualBox VMs/Win7vb/Win7vb.vdi"

The output is:


When I check the VB settings for this VM, it shows:

Virtual Size: 73.24GB
Actual Size: 48.74GB

In the Win7 VM, I see a capacity of 53GB. This is a problem because the Win7 VM only has 5MB of free space.

Any ideas why this isn't working?

  • You have to use Windows now to expand the storage space. Commented Nov 28, 2017 at 15:11

1 Answer 1


If I am right, you resized the drive correctly, but you didn't resize the drive in Windows VM. Search in VM for Create and format hard disk and partitions.


In this utility check if there is no free space (unformated space or unallocated space) on your disk. If yes, then extend it.

enter image description here

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