I like to find out which program using mostly my SSD.

I'm using Process Hacker (in elevated mode) to get an overview of my SSD usage and find the programs whose using it mostly. To test the mesurement, I copied about 1GB data in Total Commander and checked the values in Process Hacker.

enter image description here

I thougth that disk write will be around 1GB, but it's not: only 24.48MB whereas I/O write bytes is 1.19GB. How can it be? If "Disk write" doesn't means "Writing data to the SSD" then what's the purpose of it?

1 Answer 1


I think I found the answer on Process Hacker forum:

They're different concepts. If a process writes to a named pipe, that's I/O, but it has nothing to do with the disk(s) on your computer. Similarly if a process does I/O on a file, the contents don't have to be written out to disk immediately.

So I/O includes every data transfer, while disk read/write can be inacurate.


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