After installing Visual Studio Code (Version 1.17.2) x64 on Debian-Sid Xfce version 4.12.1 along with Openbox. I noticed these strange 'rendering' issues with fonts:

screenshot #1

screenshot #2

screenshot #2

First thoughts were lack of dependencies, but did clean install a few times. The issue only exists in VSC other applications are fine. Any ideas?

2 Answers 2


You can just download the libfreetype6 from Stretch from here, extract the libfreetype.so.6.12.3 file from the .deb and put that in the VSC dir (default: /usr/share/code). Create a symlink to it: ln -s libfreetype.so.6.12.3 libfreetype.so.6 (or just rename it), and you're done.

Tnx to Alex V for the pointer to libfreetype6.


Get the same rendering issue in Chromium. After downgrading libfreetype6 to stable version, issues were gone. I do not know if VSC in Debian-Sid requires libfreetype6 debian-Sid version.

Hope that will help.

  • However, this breaks libcairo2 and libharfbuzz0b so I might stick with using sublime instead of VSC. Thanks anyway!
    – cptpython
    Commented Nov 8, 2017 at 3:26

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