I have a luks encrypted external disk that worked normally al the time. But suddenly, there is no free space at all. Even when I delete something with rm bigfile there is no freed space.

I looked up how much space the disk contains with

du -hs /media/user/disk

and it returned 876GB, but its a 1TB Disk, with no available space so far..

$df -h
#/dev/dm-3                    917G  876G     0 100% /media/user/disk


$df -i
#/dev/dm-3                    61046784 2537248  58509536    5% /media/user/disk
  • df -h and df -i say? Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 14:21
  • edited the question to add the command outputs
    – Jeno
    Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 20:06

1 Answer 1


By default when a ext2/3/4 volume is formatted 5% of the space is reserved for exclusive use by root. This prevents the volume from becoming completely inaccessible if a user fills up all the space.

This can be changed with the -m option to mke2fs when formatting the volume or to tune2fs after it has been formatted.

  • But how could I then put the data there, that now does not generate new space when i delete it? Ok, I can try to move/delete 10GB and see what happens then...
    – Jeno
    Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 21:19

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