I'm trying to decrypt a binary/mp3 file of 100Mb of size.

gpg2 --decrypt my_audio.mp3.gpg

And it results into a long binary text in the terminal and it won't create a pure mp3 file:

binary text

What's wrong with it? How can I decrypt the file?

2 Answers 2


That is the mp3. Try this

gpg2 --decrypt my_audio.mp3.gpg > my_audio.mp3

From the man page:

Decrypt the file given on the command line (or STDIN if no file is   
specified) and write it to STDOUT (or the file specified with --output). 

So use either

gpg2 --decrypt my_audio.mp3.gpg > my_audio.mp3


gpg2 --decrypt --output my_audio.mp3 my_audio.mp3.gpg
gpg2 --decrypt -o my_audio.mp3 my_audio.mp3.gpg

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