A kid pressed some keys (possibly some hot-keys) while I was away. It caused the display to turn to a reddish tint.

I want to change it back to default. I don't seem to find any simple way to do that.

Most of the forums I read discuss using some tools like colour management. But I don't want to customize my display. I just want the default look back.

I have already spent more than an hour searching for a solution without any luck.

Please provide a simple solution.


2 Answers 2


This is a basic setting on the windows Action Center. All you have to do is press the notification button, and press night light to turn it off.

  • 4
    Thank you so much. I was not aware of the night light setting. Commented Oct 9, 2017 at 17:17

Since my Creators Update does not have a "notification" button on the Action Center (which is actually "Security and Maintenance"), here is the canonical way to access the Night Light Setting:

Settings (on the start menu) -- System -- Display


Right-click on the desktop, and choose Display Settings.

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