My Lenovo Y50-70 machine suffers of extremely poor performance lately.

I'm disturbed by some memory-related issues. The machine has 8gb RAM and the pagefile size is currently 24gb ("Autmomatically manage paging file size for all drives" option is set and there's about 100gb of free space currently). I'm running Windows 10.

The issue is that I've noticed that there's a huge portion of memory (~60%) which is categorized as Modified. A screenshot from Sysinternals RAMMap utility:

A screenshot from SysInternals RAMMap utility

It seems that none of the Empty options of the utility helps "flushing" the memory to Modified disk. I've tried them all, starting with "Empty Modified Page List" option -- there was basically no noticeable affect.

RAMMap "Empty" memory options

When using psutil (Python library), that's how the numbers sum up (rss and vms):

In [19]: sum([p.memory_info().rss for p in psutil.process_iter()])
Out[19]: 1973817344

In [20]: sum([p.memory_info().vms for p in psutil.process_iter()])
Out[20]: 3557965824L

Windows Resource Monitor doesn't seem to show any new insights: Windows Resource Monitor take on the issue

As I've mentioned above -- the pagefile size is managed by the OS ("Automatically" managed) and its current size is 24gb. There's enough free space, so I don't think that there's an issue with that. Especially, when I actually use, as you can see, 2-4gb of RAM, so a 24gb pagefile seems to be more than enough.

The only thing I can think of, regarding the pagefile, is fragmentation. Is it possible that its fragmented, due to its enormous size, and that's why the system doesn't seem to be able to "flush" the Modified pages to disk?

That's how Task Manager's "Performance" tab currently looks like:

Task Manager performance output

I've also downloaded and installed all the driver updates from the Lenovo website, suitable for my machine, except for the Bios update (I've heard of some cases where Lenovo machines were bricked after Bios update). A list of updated drivers: WLAN, LAN, Intel drivers (PROset wireless software, management engine interface driver, chipset driver), audio driver, energy management driver.

I'm really clueless here, and to be honest -- pretty frustrated. I'd be greatful for any piece of advice.

I don't know if it would be of any help, but here are some extra details regarding the machine's specs:

  • Western Digital SSHD (1tb HD + 8gb SSD)
  • Intel Core i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50 GHz
  • 2x Hynix 4gb DDR3 sticks. Seems that the specific model name is "Hynix HMT451S6AFR8A-PB 4GB PC3-12800 DDR3-1600MHz" (found the part number using wmich memorychip cmd and then just searched for it online)

I'll happily provide any extra details, if needed.

Edit: A screenshot of the "Processes" tab in RAMMap (there's no visible leak, as far as I can tell):

RAMMap "Processes" tab

  • In RAMmap go to processes tab and sort on "Modified" column. Something like this is usually a memory leak.
    – HoD
    Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 12:06
  • @HoD yes, I know this tab, The numbers doesn't seem to add up to 5gb. There's no visible leak there.
    – golosovsky
    Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 12:10
  • That's really annoying. Do you have the latest drivers from Lenovo? I've seen this from a bad WiFi card driver. You can try adding the Handles column in the task manager, that might give a clue.
    – HoD
    Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 13:05
  • 2
    open a cmd.exe as admin, run wpr.exe -start CPU -start ReferenceSet -filemode && timeout 20 && wpr.exe -stop C:\MemoryUsage.etl now zip the ETL and share it (Onedrive share link). Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 14:38
  • 1
    have you captured the trace? it shows more details and helps me to analyze it. if you don't provide this information, we have to close the question as "too broad". Commented Oct 1, 2017 at 6:57


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