My current situation is as such: Machines having network issues not allowing domain logon in Windows. Local admin is disabled, thusly I do not have the ability to login and troubleshoot. I want to get to the point whereby I could unlock/enable the local admin through booting Hiren/WinPE and using NTPWEdit for example. These machines are encrypted using Bitlocker, for which I have the PIN and recovery key. Is there a tool for unlocking Bitlocker encryption for which after I can enable the local admin?

What my process would be: 1) boot Hiren/WinPE 2) use tool to unlock Bitlocker to allow access to the drive 3) use NTPWEdit to enable local admin

Any help would be appreciated!


1 Answer 1


Not sure about WinPE capabilities, but if you have a Linux live CD, you could

  1. use dislocker to access the encrypted partition,
  2. use chntpw to enable the local admin account.

You'll have to use the recovery key; I think the PIN is for retrieving the key from a TPM and therefore only works from the original OS.

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