I am running

  • Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 with no third-party window managers or monitor support.
  • Not remoted in via Citrix or rdp
  • 4 1280x1024 monitors horizontally with Extend destop to this display set for all of them

Recently I've lost the ability to span some (not all) windows across monitors. As soon as the window crosses into another monitor, the window snaps back. If I go more than 50% across the next monitor, the window snaps to that monitor.

  • This happens either when resizing or when moving.
  • This happens whether aero shake is off or on.
  • This happens when Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen in Ease of Access Center is off or on.
  • Changing themes doesn't help (including switching to Windows 7 Basic).
  • Killing dwm didn't help.
  • Killing explorer and/or rebooting didn't help.

Windows that will span:

  • Task Manager
  • Regedit
  • cmd
  • Powershell

Example of some that won't:

  • Explorer
  • Visual Studio
  • Outlook 2013

I don't have this issue on any other Windows 7 or 10 machine I have, so clearly there is some setting or registry entry somewhere.

Any ideas?

  • Is restoring the machine with your companies standard image a possibility? Is the hardware identical to the other machines?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Sep 20, 2017 at 21:34
  • Try updating your video drivers or maybe rolling them back, checking windows optional updates for monitors. Commented Sep 20, 2017 at 21:38


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