I'm trying to run my custom publicly visible web server.

I've created dummy one using windows IIS running on port 25226 (random number).

On 'server' machine localhost:25226 or gives correct homepage.

Using on other device in local network also works.

Server has fixed ip

I've added Inbound and Outbound rule to windows firewall to allow port 25226

I've forwarded port 25226 to image description here

When trying connect to mypublicip:25226 I get an error. mypublicip is obtained at any "whatismyip" page

When I go on any online port checker page (like http://canyouseeme.org/) and check port 25226, it is closed.

I've even tried to enable DMZ Host to and even turned windows firewall off.

What can I do to make it work? How do I debug this?

1 Answer 1


It turned out I was trying to connect from company network, which has blocked most of the ports. Everything was setup right on the server side. Changing the port was the solution

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