I finally came to a conclusion that my ISP is using carrier grade NAT.

I recently was able to encapsulate my IPv4 to IPv6 using tunnel broker. It was working very fine without any issue. However I cannot port forward or open port or host a small web server through my home network.

Is there any better option available for me to open port and do my study work?

Surfing the net i found a VPS can be used. I signed up for free tier amazon AWS and dont know how to proceed from here. I need help because i'm tired with my ISP and useless IPV4.


1 Answer 1


You can do one of 3 things:

1) Use a full VPN

  • Costs more, but is simple to use
  • You do not need to manage the remote server at all
  • Most providers focus on normal web browsing, so most do not support port forwarding

2) Setup a VPN from a VPS

  • Costs less
  • Requires you to manage your server, and keep the VPN server running
  • OpenVPN AS simplifies setting up an OpenVPN server

3) Use a service like ngrok

  • Best if you only want to access a few ports externally
  • Easiest option for a few ports
  • Free option changes the hostname each time you connect

I tend to go for option 3, as it is easiest, but whichever you prefer to use is your choice

  • thanks and i am going to try it out.. option 3 . ii use option 3 because i need this thing for only a week.. and one more question.. ISP uses CGN was told to me by my friend.. how to findout and clarify myself that my ISP is using CGN.. please help Commented Sep 5, 2017 at 18:28
  • No problem, I use the free one a fair bit when I just want make demos available from networks I do not control.
    – jrtapsell
    Commented Sep 5, 2017 at 18:30
  • Full disclosure, I am not affiliated with ngrok, I just think the tool is good, although if they want to send free stuff my way I would not say no to freebies :p
    – jrtapsell
    Commented Sep 28, 2017 at 19:28

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