In version 49, Firefox added a text-to-speech function to its reader mode. On Windows it works well with Microsoft-provided voices (namely Microsoft Zira Desktop or Microsoft David Desktop), but other voices cannot be used as they do not show in the list.

Those voices I would like to use are provided by third parties and are SAPI5 compatible. I tried to fiddle with Firefox settings in 'about:config' and found nothing interesting except for narrate.filter-voices, which allows to show all voices, irrespective of the language.

Is there a way to make SAPI5 voices show up in Firefox ?


1 Answer 1


I managed to show all installed languages and thus seleted one of them (Polish) gaining success with hearing website being read aloud in Firefox!
I went to about:config, typed (searched for) narrate an then changed setting narrate.filter-voices from true (defalut) to false

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