I have a local network and my router has a dedicated IP, inside my network there are several computers and one of them is my windows server. I want to access my server from outside this network through ssh. What I thought of is to use port forwarding in the router so I forwarded external port 22 to the internal ip (the internal ip of my server) and to the internal port 22. Then I tried to connect from outside that network by

ssh admin@<dedicated ip of my router>  

I got an error : port 22: Connection refused

1 Answer 1


There are a number of possible problems, but the 2 most likely are a firewall (on the router or ssh server) or your router knows about SSH and handles the port seperately - ie it thinks any traffic to port 22 is destined for it. Its also conceivable that your ISP is blocking traffic on port 22.

Try using an alternative port.

  • I tried changing the external port to 2222 or to 8888 and it also did not work
    – Said Saifi
    Commented Aug 7, 2017 at 18:52
  • I also tried to forward port external port 8888 to's ip) port 80 to try to open the router admin page but it failed also
    – Said Saifi
    Commented Aug 7, 2017 at 18:53

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