So here is my current objective:

  1. I need to create two guest instances of Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 in VirtualBox on a WindowsXP host. (This is needed for communications later on.) (this step is almost done)

  2. I need to establish networking between all three OS's, the host and two guests (Guest1 -> Host -> Guest2).

I know that generally, to establish networking between Windows host and Ubuntu guest, we set up a bridge connection. But here there are two guests, and primarily I need networking between the two guests (Ubuntu to Ubuntu).

So will there need to be a change in tap0 and tap1 interfaces when we set up a bridge, or is there a better way to implement this?

Please explain the procedure.

1 Answer 1


If your guests do not need direct external network access, you can use "Host-only" Network option.

Guest1 and Guest2:

set Adapter 1 to Bridged Adapter, eth0.
  • hi thnx for reply bur i do need external network access as well on my guest os's
    – EnthuCrazy
    Commented Mar 28, 2010 at 22:38
  • I'm using the Bridged adapter network settings on two Linux guests under VirtualBox v3.1.2 on a WindowsXP host. My guests can access and be accessed from each other, the host, and other devices on my network; their IPs are automatically assigned from the network DHCP server. @EnthuCrazy: if that setting isn't working for you, you may need to provide more details about your setup. Commented Mar 29, 2010 at 2:57
  • see the point is even i enable networking the aim is to setup a call session between two clients(monster or uct ims) which are registered with ims between guest ubuntu which have ims installed and xp host. so when i installed say monster client on xp to set up a call with ubuntu guest with ims installed as i have two users registered with ims , so in monster client configuration at xp side , i need to setup configuration like .domain name.pcscf port.local portas i have already established calling in localhost of ubuntu guest between two clients registered with ims ,i need to do same xp-ubuntu
    – EnthuCrazy
    Commented Apr 17, 2010 at 11:09

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