I'm attempting to port-forward through my Motorola NVG510 and I know I can port-forward but the router isn't finding my device in the Device List so I cannot connect the port to my device. The Motorola NVG510 has a Device List that shows the IPV4 Addresses of all of the devices connected to the network and their respective names if they have one. I can see a computer that belongs to a family member and an iPad that belongs to a family member and many other addresses, but the device I want to forward does not show up, as I know the IPV4 address of my device and it is not shown, even when I scan for devices and restart the router. Is there a way to add my device to the Device List or somehow make my device shown?

I know this device is connected to the router because I'm on the internet and this is the only router/internet connection in range of my computer, and my computer says that it's connected to said router.

I'm relatively new to networking and stuff so I don't know all of the terminology nor how to do a lot of stuff, I'm trying to learn so go easy.

If this isn't the best place to ask this question or something please redirect me to where I can get the answer, thanks. And if you need more info I'll be more than welcome to give as much as I can.

  • I tried again and I managed to get my IPV4 on the Device List so I went to complete the port-forward and everything was loading extremely slow, so my impatient self restarted the router and my IPV4 disappeared from the list and I have not been able to get the IPV4 back on the list and I have no indication of how either.
    – meabster
    Commented Jul 19, 2017 at 7:30

2 Answers 2


Assuming you are attempting to forward a port to a Windows Computer (not stated)...

Give your computer a static IP address outside of the DHCP range (you should be able to find the DHCP range in your routers settings. e.g. if your gateway is and the DHCP pool is set your static IP to

Then set the port forward to that static IP address instead of using a device list.

I hope that helps.


I had a similar experience while trying to portfoward a raspberry pi. The device list wouldn't show the raspberry pi was connected even though it was using an ethernet cable with no wifi capability and internet access was proven. ifconfig on the raspberry pi displayed while the device list wouldn't even show that ip as being off.

My solution was to restart the device from Afterwards the device was still not listed until unplugging the ethernet cable, keeping it unplugged for at least a minute and plugging it back in. After pressing Scan for Devices the device name was still blank but that IPv4 was listed and status was on.

Before this I had tried Clearing Device List, physically unplugging the router/modem's power, connecting the ethernet cable to different ports of the router/modem all with no success.

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