I play some games that allow me to press Space Bar to increase game speed, everything used to work perfectly fine but all of a sudden one day Space Bar+Down Arrow no longer works. More specifically, now only one works but not both at the same time, I can hold space then Up rrow to move up quickly in my game but releasing Up Arrow" and pressing Down Arrow gives no reaction on my screen. On the other hand, hold Down Arrow then Space Bar would do nothing.
Yes, only one of the 2 keys works at a time, but they used to work together!
Is this what's called "keyboard jamming" or "ghosting" as I have read on the internet?
I'd really really appreciate some help. Again, they used to work together perfectly before I downloaded and played some new games found online.
I have tried switching USB ports, no help. Keyboard is a DELL Keyboard which used to have no issue whatsoever before this issue comes up.

I haven't tried another keyboard at this time, do you think a new keyboard would help?

  • Have you tried with a different keyboard or is it just with the Dell keyboard?
    – Solar Mike
    Commented Jul 15, 2017 at 7:39

1 Answer 1


To be fair this is happening to me right now, i try to press space bar and w and this also happens with shift for me. All i did was take apart my keyboard and give it a clean

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