There are certain websites that open new windows (this kind of new window is without bookmarks, etc., I don't know what they are called - don't know if that's still called Popups because they are like a normal website).

Is there any Chrome Addon to block this kind of behavior? A Whitelist-Function would be appreciated.

I don't know if this is the right board for this kind of questions, I'm sorry if its not.

  • Hello, welcome to SuperUser! This website is not for software recommendation, so you may want to refine your question in order to make it fit with our topic guidelines: superuser.com/help/on-topic Prefer asking "How can I do..." rather than "What can I use to ...". Commented Jun 27, 2017 at 12:40

1 Answer 1


I've been using this one recently. Lets you allow popups for specific websites.

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