In many of schools in Turkey there is a virus and you can easily get just by plugging in a flash drive. It's like a joke virus but it's annoying. Anyway... linux is not affected by this virus so when I need a file in my flash drive I turn on my Lubuntu desktop pc and get what I need from my Windows 10 laptop using smb protocol.

I want to do this on a single computer. I also don't want to dualboot my laptop. It's problematic I've tried.

So my idea is when I mount a flash drive -which is affected by this virus or not- I want this flash drive can't be accessed and readed by Windows 10 but I want to access via VM. So virus is not going to be affect my windows and I can access my files in VM.

Is it possible? If yes how can I do it? Thanks already!

  • Are you using VirtualBox? If so you should be able to set up filters to automatically share the drive with the VM. This is explained here (VirtualBox Mount USB with Filters).
    – xenoid
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 10:05
  • @xenoid yes I'm using VirtualBox but the main idea is; I don't want windows to see my flash drive
    – Nhmanas
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 10:14
  • According to that page it won't...
    – xenoid
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 11:13


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