By default I am using Vivaldi browser.

On Vivaldi, when I go to maps.google.com, I can't see many regular widgets. For example the Street view man icon, and others.

I also can see there the search box but trying to use it to fly somewhere doesn't work for me.

The strangest thing is that on all other browsers I have, I even cannot reach maps.google.com !

On internet explorer I get:

Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to https://www.google.co.il again. If this error persists, it is possible that this site uses an unsupported protocol or cipher suite such as RC4 (link for the details), which is not considered secure. Please contact your site administrator.


Hmm, we can't reach this page.

And in Chrome:

This site can’t be reached

Well, is it about TLS? How to solve that?


1 Answer 1


I can't be positive about that, but I had a flash player update today and since then - everything is back for normal

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