My screen are darkening every 20 or some minutes. It was originally xscreensaver installed, but nothing changed after I removed it. This behavior very annoying when I am trying to see some movie.

There is output of xset q:

Screen Saver:
  prefer blanking:  yes    allow exposures:  yes
  timeout:  0    cycle:  0
DPMS (Energy Star):
  Standby: 7200    Suspend: 7200    Off: 14400
  DPMS is Disabled

I have tried to disable DMPS by xset -dpms but it looks like something reenables it time-to-time.

4 Answers 4


Solved by usage of XFCE's power managment GUI configurator


Have a look at the output of xset q, it will tell you if DPMS is enabled, and the times to suspend.

You switch it off completely with xset -dpms, or set the times with `

xset dpms <standby_seconds> <suspend_seconds> <off_seconds>

You can also configure it in the ServerFlags section in your xorg.conf, see man xorg.conf.

Many player applications (e.g. mplayer) automatically disable dpms it while playing a movie.

  • It doesn't help. Nor disabling DPMS, nor settings in VLC player.
    – ephemerr
    Commented Jul 17, 2017 at 7:00
  • Please edit question with output of xset q, the parts in Screen Saver and in DPMS.
    – dirkt
    Commented Jul 17, 2017 at 8:40

On Debian 11 XFCE (22sep2022) I can disable screensaver using cmd xfce4-settings-manager. This CLI command starts a GUI and in "Power Manager" choose tab "Display." You will have two tabs: "On Battery" and "Plugged In".

You've probably been here already trying to stop the dang screensaver, but avoid making it faster by sliding the time to the left.

No, some genius decided that at 0, the scrensaver was not permanently ON, no, it becomes OFF. So slide all the times to 0 on both tabs.

On battery:

on battery

On AC power:

on ac power


Working with the same problem since connecting with x0vncserver on the remote host and vncviewer at local host, yields a black screen when screensaver is activated.

Seems you also need to turn off the setting for security within the power manager settings of xfce4-settings-manager to completely turn off the screensaver in xfce4.

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    Commented Feb 9, 2023 at 16:57

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