Windows 7 has various fonts that cover different scripts within Unicode. However, the free Noto fonts provide a good alternative, covering a very large portion of Unicode with a visually uniform design.

I want to make these Noto fonts behave as one giant font in Windows. I know that Windows 7 provides a font linking mechanism, but I don't know how to link all the Noto fonts together.

Specifically, my questions are:

  • What registry keys do I need to create in order to define the linked font?
  • What else must I do to enable the font linking feature?

2 Answers 2


A Python script was specifically written for merging noto fonts as part of the nototools package. It is not required to download the whole package, as this script can be found separately in github: merge_noto.py.

You should download the noto fonts you wish to merge into one folder, modify the script in line 137 to include only these fonts, then run the script.

Just to note that some of the noto fonts may be difficult to merge, as these already use the maximum number of glyphs permissible in a single OpenType font: 65,635.

A general-purpose package that has a GUI interface is fontforge. Its use is demonstrated in this answer.

From the fact that a separate Python script was specifically written for this as part of the nototools package, I might suspect problems with using fontforge, but if it works it should be easier than adapting the above Python script.



Have you tried going to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink and create a new key, just like those that are already there?

For example, I have a key called Batang that is a REG_MULTI_SZ value and contains the following string:

MALGUN.TTF,Malgun Gothic
MSJH.TTC,Microsoft JhengHei UI
MSYH.TTC,Microsoft YaHei UI

It is just the filename and the name of the font, separated with a comma.

Source: Fontlink for CJK on English Windows 10.

  • I have followed the exact steps listed in your answer, but Windows simply refuses to recognise the font-linking and renders glyphs from other scripts in their fallback fonts (not the Noto fonts). Is there something else that I need to do to enable font-linking in the first place?
    – user730756
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 7:59
  • Can you provide more information on how you tested and what the entry in the registry looks like?
    – Magnus
    Commented Jun 22, 2017 at 10:17
  • How about the relevant difference being Windows 10 versus Windows 7 here? Commented Jul 17, 2019 at 9:39

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