Our office just acquired a Cisco/Linksys RVL200 VPN Router for use as our primary router. We handle DHCP serving via dhcpd on a Debian server. I want to enable wireless access to our network. We have a Linksys WRT54G v5- and I'm having some difficulty setting it up to work correctly, please help!

  • I would suggest posting further details regarding the current shape of your network. (Hint: Diagrams are easier to understand than text!)
    – marcusw
    Commented Mar 18, 2010 at 16:43

1 Answer 1


Well, this is strange (to me) - but seems to be what fixed my issue: "Connect from the primary router's LAN port to one of the LAN ports on the secondary router", via link text. I was plugged into the Internet (incoming) port. Besides this detail, all routing functions of the wireless router were disabled and it fit right in to the network.

Modem | VPN Router | switch, wireless router (gateway) | dhcpd server

I wonder if we should have our dhcpd server above/before our switch...but if it ain't broke, don't fix it + that's another topic.


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