I have requirements from a software vendor that stipulate processor must be: Dual Core 3.0 GHz/i7

The software will be deployed on the cloud (Azure/AWS).

Is there a simple way that I can 'translate' these requirements into equivalent Azure/AWS vCPU to achieve the required performance.

I'm not technical... I'm trying to establish the cost for the compute power on Azure/AWS.

  • For an Azure VM, you could refer to this link. Azure provides Intel Xeon E5-2670 series CPU. Commented May 31, 2017 at 1:59

1 Answer 1


For AWS you can use the AWS Calculator.

  1. Choose your region from the drop down
  2. Under EC2 instances, click on the little nut / bolt symbol by the "type column". That gives you a chart of CPU/RAM the instance has.
  3. Choose your billing option. On-demand for paying by the hour, or reserved instances if you know you'll run it for at least a year. Suggest you use on-demand to start.
  4. Add disk, further down the page under EBS volumes. Include snapshot storage of say double your disk storage.

I've put together an on-demand example and a reserved instance example. This uses a t2.medium instance with 2 cores and 4GB RAM, which is suitable for moderate workloads, 30GB of disk. Both are Linux but you can easily change to Windows instances in that calculator. t2 instances only get a fraction of the available CPU time, if you have a heavy workload you'll want M (general purpose) instances which have one or more cores dedicated.

On-demand: $40.52 per month, total for a year $486 1 year up-front reservation: $275 up front, $6.11 per month, total $348.

The specification from the software vendor is quite generic. Don't worry about the core type they asked for, any instance type will be fine. You could even try a cheap t2.micro to see if the application works.

Azure has a similar calculator.

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