So for a few days I can't shut down Win10 anymore. I've searched around quite a lot but haven't found a solution that works, so posting here as my last resort:

  1. The shutdown button on the win10 menu does nothing at all. I click it, nothing happens.

  2. I tried shutdown via shutdown /s /t 0 (and a few other arguments) but nothing happens at all. I can just ctrl+c to exit out of the shutdown program.

  3. I logged off and used shutdown from the login screen. This gets me to a 'shutting down' spinner, but again, nothing happens and I have to hard reboot after a while.

Now I tried all the things that are usually recommended, ie disable hibernation (did that a long time ago) and disable fast boot. I ran chkdsk, sfc and dism, both from within windows and from the boot terminal and no problems can be found. I'm not on an intel chipset so cannot try https://superuser.com/a/959619/727973

--EDIT: It will shut down properly in safe mode --

Hoping someone has come across something similar before and can point me in the right direction, I really want to avoid setting up windows again ...

  • 1
    Use Microsoft/SysInternals Autoruns to disable startup items loaded in Normal mode, then add them back a few at a time until you find the one(s) preventing your machine from shutting down properly. Commented May 14, 2017 at 1:36
  • 1
    Try it with the "forceful" /f switch so shutdown /f /s /t 0... Let me know if it works. Commented May 14, 2017 at 2:06
  • I did try /f before, just tried again to no avail.. still going through @Twisty's recommendation, will update the post if any luck
    – Geotob
    Commented May 14, 2017 at 2:28
  • 2
    Unsatisfactory update: After disabling almost all startup items and services except system critical services I still wasn't able to reboot. Used system reset in the end, everything is working again now, but it feels like admitting defeat :(
    – Geotob
    Commented May 14, 2017 at 22:57
  • What about shutdown /s /t 1 run from elevated command prompt? Timeout of /t 0 might fail sometimes…
    – JosefZ
    Commented Jun 13, 2017 at 19:28

3 Answers 3


Copy the following text: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe /s /t 0

Right-click your Windows desktop and select New > Shortcut.

In the Create Shortcut dialog that opens, paste the text into Type the location of the item.

Click Next and name the shortcut "Shutdown".

To shut down the Windows 10 system, double-click the new Shutdown shortcut.


You can try out these methods:

Method 1: Disabling Scheduled Tasks

  1. Press the Windows+R keys
  2. Type taskschd.msc, then press Enter
  3. Navigate to the Task Scheduler Library.
  4. Select everything and disable them.

Method 2: Disabling Shutdown Scripts with Local Group Policy Editor

If you have at least Windows 10 Pro, you can try this:

  1. Press the Windows+R keys
  2. Type gpedit.msc, then press Enter
  3. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts > Shutdown.
  4. Select everything and remove them.

If you only have Windows 10 Home, you can try this to enable the Local Group Policy Editor: https://www.itechtics.com/easily-enable-group-policy-editor-gpedit-msc-in-windows-10-home-edition/


Had this issue on an old Toshiba Encore Windows tablet just now. (Windows 10 22H2)

Shutdown and reboot in the UI did nothing. Short-holding the power button also did no work, the screen just turned off for a second and came back on. Shutdown.exe with various parameters also just sat there.

What seems to have helped in my case was to remove the micro SD card that was plugged in. After that it turned off normally again and also worked with the card back in.

So unplugging anything that is not essential might be something worth a try.

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