I've heard that, in addition to controlling screen temperature, you can use f.lux to decrease the brightness of your screen. However, I couldn't find a brightness option in settings, nor could I find any mention of the feature on the official website.

f.lux options menu

How do I control my screen brightness in f.lux?

2 Answers 2


You can increase brightness with Alt+PgUp and decrease brightness with Alt+PgDn.

dimming screen with f.lux


As the OP's answer specifies, you can increase and decrease brightness with Alt+PgUp and Alt+PgDn.

However, on Windows, these hotkeys were disabled by default for me. You can activate these by clicking on the three-horizontal-bar menu and selecting "Options and Smart Lighting...". Here, tick the box to enable hotkeys.

f.lux Options window


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