I have Elementary OS installed on my PC and have installed RVM through the terminal.

However, when I type this type rvm | head -1, instead of "rvm is a function", I get rvm is hashed (/home/edson/.rvm/bin/rvm).

Any ideas as to why this is?

1 Answer 1


As bash manual page says, "is hashed" means that the command is stored in a hash table, to be used in a more efficient way, because that prevents it from having to search $PATH every time you type the same command.

You could check hash table with "hash" command, and you could purge entries with "hash -d command".

  • But why does it not show as a function, the way rvm is usually supposed to show up? Commented Mar 29, 2017 at 4:53
  • If you use "type -p", still shows as hashed? Commented Mar 29, 2017 at 13:50

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