i want to dualboot w7 32bit and arch linux (antergos) on an old netbook (lenovo s10-3). I've installed windows but i need some help with next steps. I found this guide that i plan to roughly follow: https://techblog.mastbroek.com/all-articles/dualboot-encrypted-windows-and-ubuntu/6/ but with antergos and veracrypt instead of ubuntu and truecrypt so what i think i will have to do is:

  1. install windows
  2. encrypt boot drive so far so good, i installed windows and i'm about to start encrypting it
  3. install antergos with built-in encryption and with grub on /boot instead of in mbr there is a slight problem with this one, i installed antergos before and there doesn't seem to be a choice of where grub is installed
  4. repair veracrypt bootloader in mbr and drive header if needed
  5. repair grub if needed

Can someone help me throu steps 3-5? I'm not sure what exactly should i do after encrypting windows, I'm also fairly confident with setting up partitions and encryption in antergos but after that, i have no idea how to get those two encrypted systems working together. It's an old laptop, it has one hdd and no efi. Please help.


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