I recently installed Windows and Kali Linux on my machine. First Windows 7 SP1, and then Kali Linux. The problem is that after installing Kali, my keyboard and mouse stop working at login screen on windows. To fix this, I have to go to my BIOS, and change USB Legacy support from auto to enabled, or from enabled to auto, but I have to do this pretty much every time I want to use windows. My motherboard is a ASUS H97-PLUS. I already tried unplugging and plugging back my kb/mouse, and it did not work. Anything else I can try?

The keyboard/mouse worked fine before installing Kali.

1 Answer 1


Try to install the USB, mouse, keyboard drivers appropriates from manufacturer. The issues could come from the generic Windows 7 SP1 drivers.

Similar question here : https://askubuntu.com/questions/410596/no-usb-devices-picked-up-on-restart-to-windows-7-from-ubuntu

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