I'm trying to install Windows 10 in a laptop, but when I boot Windows 10 from a bootable USB stick, vertical orange and white stripes appear in the screen. I've been looking for information on this and it's said to be caused by Bitlocker.

If I typed the correct password, this screen would dissapear. The problem is that how am I going to type my bitlocker password if I haven't set it yet?

P.D. I can't solve this either by running a command in the CMD as I don't have any OS installed in my laptop.


4 Answers 4


After adding some more ram and then updating drivers I started experiencing BSOD and then windows would not boot saying I need to repair windows with a windows cd/usb. On another computer I created a windows installation usb but I too was unable to boot from the usb getting these white/orange vertical lines. After reseating and then removing ram sticks to no avail I finally stumbled on this forum thread which mentioned to reset your BIOS. Well I did that and windows started booting just fine; didn't even need to reinstall windows anymore.

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    – Blindspots
    Commented Apr 1, 2023 at 19:30

I've had this issue of orange and white stripes when trying to install Windows 10 22H2 on a new drive in a computer that ran it fine before.

Changing TPM and various other settings to legacy only changed the outcome to a blue screen which then caused the PC to turn off without doing anything.

The issue for me was, frustratingly, Microsoft's own Media Creation Tool. Creating an installation USB drive simply did not work, likely because of the used settings, or because the transfer/write somehow failed.

I used the Media Creation Tool to just download the ISO and then used Rufus (tool for creating bootable USB drives) to actually prepare the USB drive. The installation worked immediately.

From what I recall, this isn't even the first time MCT failed me. I just use it seldomly enough to unfortunately forget about it.


That looks as if the internal harddisk (or SSD) in the laptop isn't empty.
It already has a Windows installation on it with BitLocker. (Or a not correctly wiped leftover of such an installation.)
And you are trying to boot into THAT install instead of booting from the USB stick.

2 things to do:
- Make sure the BIOS is set to boot from USB FIRST, before trying the internal disk.
- Get a copy of DBAN or other wipe tool en use that first to properly wipe the internal disk.

On or the other should solve your problem.

  • The harddisk should be empty as it's a brand new laptop, and I've really make sure that i'm booting from usb, don't know what's happening
    – Georgi
    Commented Mar 11, 2017 at 13:16
  • Your Windows 10 image on the stick. Is this recent ? (The 1604 build or later ?) If not get a fresh image. Pre-1604 build are known to have this issue. Try various TPM settings in Bios (TPM enabled/disabled, switch TPM between V2.0 and V1.2 if possible). Enabling/disabling SecureBoot and/or CSM/Legacy support might also help.
    – Tonny
    Commented Mar 11, 2017 at 14:20
  • I tried it with a more recent build and it worked, thanks
    – Georgi
    Commented Mar 12, 2017 at 20:19

The USB is most likely corrupt. Grab a new USB drive with 4gb+ and create a new windows 10 boot USB using the windows media creation tool.

I ordered a boot USB off amazon and that's what I ended up having to do.

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