Anyone knows if it is easy "get back" a directory in hfsplus file system, mounted to Linux and deleted by rm?

Long story short, I connected my iPad to Ubuntu (14.04) and wanted to import my pictures.

I used ifuse to mount it, I'm not sure how exactly ifuse did it, may be somethings similar to

sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdx# /media/binchen/ipad
ifuse /media/binchen/ipad

Then, I made a mistake I'm now trying to fix...

rm -rf /media/binchen/ipad/DCIM,

If there is an easy way to bring it back? I feel this is file system dependent and hope hfs+ filesystem has some superior features here..but I know nothing about it.

Is this some thing can be done?

1 Answer 1


HFS+ in itself has no protection against rm -rf as you bypassed any safeguards.

If this were on a regular hard drive or even SSD, & as you bypassed the Trash, then you would be down to your favourite recovery software to scrape the drive for file remnants.

As you did this on a hardware encrypted device which was never designed to be poked at by the user at folder level, then I think you're right out of luck.
Restoring the iPad to its last backup will be your only option.

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